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Motion Design
1: Who Are You? (4:39)
2: A Passion Project (3:05)
3: Just F*cking Start (4:10)
4: Commitment (1:31)
5: Space and Time (4:08)
6: To a Sandbox (3:05)
7: Boards, Books, and Words (8:29)
8: Production Strategy (4:53)
9: Draw your Flow (7:25)
10: Design Speedrun (9:50)
11: Rhythm and Blocking (12:36)
12: Turn it up to Eleven (7:40)
13: Contrast in Motion (3:45)
14: Utilizing Color (5:42)
15: Conclusion? (1:40)
Final Project
Give / Take (0:40)
9: Draw your Flow
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